
Fatropolis!: 4--Body With A Will

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    The clock was ticking for the odd region which was cursed to be the hotbed of gluttonous lifeforms. Not all inhabitants of the area wanted to be the way they were, which is why Julia Dean rushed over there. That, and to compile compelling research to prevent military might from cutting this area off from the rest of the continent. 

    Unfortunately, Julia had been riddled by a pesky "inner fat girl." Whatever particles there were, they had a degree of influence on her hunger. For some reason, she was getting hungrier as the day went by, making it hard to work. Just recently, she resisted the urges, but she soon found that her body was starting to get a bit of control on her. At this moment, Julia had freedom; she needed to compile research now. She turned on the laptop, and began to write like her computer was going to die.

    A few paragraphs in, hunger came knocking at her door, and more vigorously, now that she was actually looking well-fed. Julia was still set on the paper, and as long as she was able to keep thinking, she'd get it done. Her stomach bellowed again, but she ignored its pleas. After completing 10 pages, Julia reached for her flash drive.

    But something was wrong.

    Her stomach seemed to convince her rain that it was some type of food. However, Julia shook herself free from that thought. The inner fat girl reappeared, but she brought an army this time: rich chocolate cakes, frosted pies, cookies, pastries, and creamy drinks. The scents filled the air, making the flash drive look like candy. Julia kept telling herself it was a flash drive. She desperately needed to save her work, and because her nervous system was "registering" her sight of a USB as candy, she was getting farther and farther from saving the land. She willed herself again, and brought her arm over to her bust--where she exchanged hands. But, her new vision appeared again. This time, not only was the hunger getting chronic, but her body was slowly forcing the metal memory device into her drooling mouth. 

    "N..n...not f-food!" Julia struggled to say to herself as she pushed and forced the USB in. Very quickly, she saved the file--first on the desktop; then the USB. She exhaled in relief after doing so. At which point, she allowed her near 300-lb. to indulge in whatever was laid out. As she was eating, she did not take into account how quickly she was starting to think about the next meal. Regularly, after a hard day of work, her first thoughts are of her peers. But, it took effort to focus her altered mind on her work, so when she let go, she essentially let go of a rope.

    Once she was filled completely, Julia belched, and was just about to cover her mouth. In the nick of time, a two-liter soda materialized into her hands. This time, she saw how it happened. First, a ray of light created a sensation from her forehead--one that felt more faint as she ate more and grew heavier. Then, the item in question started to appear as if being drawn into reality. Julia tried to force the soda off her lips, but she felt like her hands were cut off. In fact, her body gave way to its needs.

    "Glad to see you're taking initiative!" The little woman said, patting Julia's dough-like fat rolls. "You just keep eating like that, and you'll be the biggest in the world!"

    That last phrase rang aloud in her head. Did Julia really want to lose it all, just because her body just suddenly wanted to eat more?

    "No--I--won't--ever--get--that--big!" She retorted in gulps. Once she was done, she picked herself up. She then looked down, and saw only her large breasts. She still managed to see a bit of her fleshy hill of a belly, but that was it. In addition, she found that she was unable to turn her head. Julia knew what to do, and headed for the scale.


    "500 lbs.?!" She screamed in an outrage. Just the other day, she wasn't even 300 lbs. Julia was only in her bra and panties, having her shirt unable to fit, prior to the measurement. Julia drew her hands to her middle, and clutched  her belly. To the other eye, it looked like a large peach-colored baseball mound attached to her skin. As for her rear, it was fairly large for someone of her size, enough to fill two and two-thirds of a sofa. Somehow, she seemed to feel...something, when exploring her huge skin. Julia's mind was quickly filled with images of broken scales, messy kitchens, and broken beds. "No! I'm not going to be like that!" She said again, forcing her mind to accept something different. However, she was starting to lose her willpower, as she eventually began fading out. Julia decided to walk herself to her bed, but her legs had other ideas.

    Julia's walk was much longer, since she had to account for a large torso, and hips that rubbed together. As a result, her body somehow put her to sleep.

    A little woman arrived and began whispering in her ear. For some reason, Julia's body acted a lot like a voice-operated automaton. Like a robot, she moved in static rhythm, to her bed. After that, she heard no more noise.


    Julia woke up the next morning. The first thing she smelled was pizza. In fact, she even tasted pizza on her lips. She looked down at herself and screamed quickly. She looked even bigger than before. The young woman frantically searched for her laptop, but found a wire hidden under her huge belly. Her next move was to try to get out of bed, and with an hour spent on that, she eventually got the laptop out: it fell from her big belly, which now had storage capabilities.

    The little woman smirked. Julia growled at her.

    "Was I sleep-walking?!"

    "I'll let you figure that out."

    The figure vanished, and Julia turned on the laptop. As soon as she opened up her file, she saw that her research paper was completely replaced by some gibberish about a woman wanting to take up the space of boats, crushing furniture, and eating almost endlessly. Julia frantically panted.

    "I didn't write this. Not any of this."

    Then it dawned on her: she still had a USB. As fast as she could, she got herself dressed in barely fitting pants, and a stretched-out shirt. Julia raced out to the hotel's main floor, only to see how much of it changed in a few days. For instance, only robotic staff was working. All other humans were now bedridden, as the strange particles gave them minds of greedy gluttons who only wished to eat. Julia at least had will power, so that would be her defense. It was tough at her new weight to even reach the business area, where she finally slapped a USB in, and loaded her real assignment.

    "NO!" The inner fat girl screamed. "You're not going to go back, or unite this land!"

    "You're just a figment of my imagination." It never occurred to her. The small woman was imaginary the whole time. But the question was how did she make food appear out of her mind? That would be answered later. Now, it seemed that the odd little figure accepted defeat and simply left the area, promising that Julia would eventually give in to her "true desires."

    Julia knew that would be true the longer she stayed. With much haste, she opted to have her report electronically mailed, faxed, and printed for all the necessary readers, in case she failed in returning.
Contains WG

Previously: Fatropolis!: 3--Interrupted Thoughts
Next: Fatropolis!: 5--Slaked Curiosity

Julia's report needs to be done. With her body giving in to the inner fat girl, can she send the report out?
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